Updated downloads including info on Becker Navigation System
After experiencing problems with users registering and GDPR we’ve decide to move our downloads over to Microsoft OneDrive.
The main problem is that the contact and registration page has not been forwarding on the email addres of people that contact us. For that reason, we have not been able to reply. OUr most recent request was from Alan so apologies to you and I hope this page can answer your questions.
The most popular request is for installing and modifyiing the Becker Navigation system including installing an auxillary socket for an iPod, iPhone, MP3 player etc. We’ll get these on ASAP.
We’re gradually moving the files over to this new location so please bear with us.
Please leave comments or contact us via our Twitter page.
To access the files, just click on the box below or follow this link
One Drive folder for general stuff
Edit 15/06/18
Google Drive Folders for workshop manuals
The link will be permanent on the downloads page