Evoque Live





Today the GLR team took up their invitations to the ‘Evoque Live’ launch event at the NEC Birmingham. We arrived 10 minutes before the start of the event and handed over our ticket confirmations and in return were given a credit card sized piece of card with a picture of an Evoque printed on it (our only momento of the day as it turned out) and shown to our front row seats.
The lights dimmed and the atmospheric music increased in volume, the large screens flickered into life showing computer generated imagery as the seating area as a whole turned through 180° the screens parted to reveal a stage. What followed was probably very good if you’re into performance art and dance, unfortunately we’re not…
The next half an hour was filled with dances, music and imagery representing the three models within the Evoque range, Pure, Prestige and Dynamic.

Here’s some YouTube video we found of the event: –

Following the ‘performance’ we were ushered to a separate  room where we were able to view, sit in and generally prod and poke the three Evoque models accompanied by drinks and nibbles.

In the viewing area

The Evoque looks like a very nice car but I fear once it gets into the hands of the footballers wives, wannabe’s and ‘Cheshire United set’ it could turn into a very ugly, blinged-up monstrosity indeed. I guess time will tell.

Full size wire frame model


GLR contributor & Land Rover anorak Old enough to know better. Allegedly...

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