After much searching and looking at a couple of ‘not quite as described’ (and that’s putting it politely) vehicles I finally found a Freelander that fitted the bill.
This would be the replacement for the recently departed Discovery and also the vehicle of choice for ‘high-days and holidays’ as well as the daily driver so it had to be right; it’s a 2005 Freelander 1 automatic in HSE spec. It was a dealer trade-in and came with a full Land Rover service history and had had 2 previous owners, it was also automatic which was something I was specifically looking for and being HSE spec it came with all the ‘toys’ including the Webasto fuel burning heater (FBH) – but more on that at a later date – the only downside, if you can call it that, was the fact it wasn’t green! Despite looking for a green vehicle, of the few I did find non fitted the bill in all of the other, arguably, more important areas such as spec, mileage, service history, etc.
Well that’s all for now but I’m sure another more detailed post will follow in the very near future.